Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns:

Joe and Marian Romano
Stillwater Hotel
2591 Stillwater Road
Lowville, NY 13367

Directions to Stillwater Hotel

For Directions to Stillwater Hotel, simply use the gadget provided below.

Please note that some GPS's may have trouble locating us by name.
Our Lat/Lon coordinates are 43°53'25.2"N 75°02'09.8"W.
If you find yourself at a “T” intersection (Buck Point Road) rather than a large body of water (Stillwater Reservoir), you have come to the wrong end of the road. Rest assured, you're only about 20 minutes from us. Turn around and when you come to the large body of water at the other end of the road you have found us! Be sure to let us know if you had any trouble getting here.

We look forward to seeing you!!

Webcam of Stillwater Hotel

Webcam of Stillwater Hotel

Image will update in -- seconds. Our webcam is provided by our friends at Christy's Motel, for more information please go to their website http://christysmotel.com.

Weather At Stillwater


For a more detailed forcast of the weather for Nortern Herkimer County and the Stillwater, Big Moose and Old Forge Region, please use NOAA's forcast located here. Please be aware that due to the geographic location of Stillwater, the weather is subject to change rapidly. Please check the weather with us OFTEN!

Local Businesses and Activities

Artisans, Craftsmen & Galleries


Automotive Sales, Service & Fuels (Oil, Gas & Propane)

Boat & Canoe Service

Guides & Outfitters

Hardware, Lumber & Appliances


Museums, Exhibit Halls & Educational Centers

Professional Services & Licensed Practitioners

Real Estate

Snowmobiles & Recreational Vehicles

Specialty Shops

Theaters / Entertainment

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Review Us

We want to know what you think of Stillwater Hotel. Feel free to review us on Tripadvisor or Google, or use the review site of your choosing.


We're looking for a few characters to complete our spring & summer staff.

Meals included, lodging & salary vary depending on your motivation & skills.

If you're a fan of the adirondack lifestyle and you're looking for an opportunity to put your skills to work for us, stop in or call us @ (315) 376-6470.